independent label; sound&media workshop by evala
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2010-01-10T00:00:00Z Listen to Africa  [audio, recording, samples]
2009-11-25T00:00:00Z アーティストのビジネスモデル - SourceForge.JP  [business, copyright]
2009-11-06T00:00:00Z 現存する最古の歌『セイキロスの墓碑銘』(動画)  [music]
2009-11-05T00:00:00Z 超常現象を人工的に起こす:「幽霊部屋」の実験  [subwoofer]
2009-11-01T00:00:00Z FOSTEX, AO Column vol.9  [column, pa]
2009-10-08T00:00:00Z Wonderwall  [webdesign, interface]
2009-09-17T00:00:00Z ■28chのLive (ACOUSTIC FIELD NEWS)  [report]
2009-09-08T00:00:00Z pingpong blog  [event]
2009-08-31T00:00:00Z ブックショップ、東塔堂  [shop]
2009-08-30T00:00:01Z Cellular Automata Music Module - ULAMIZER-II  [software]
2009-08-30T00:00:00Z Unidentified Sound Object: ULAMIZER II  [software]
2009-08-28T00:00:07Z | Free Sound Clips  [audio, sound]
2009-08-28T00:00:06Z Sound Archive : -音へのこだわり- Sound Lab.  [audio, sound]
2009-08-28T00:00:05Z Marunouchi The Guide |  [webdesign]
2009-08-28T00:00:04Z  [typography]
2009-08-28T00:00:03Z サラウンドエフェクトドットコム  [audio, sound]
2009-08-28T00:00:01Z クラシック試聴音楽YouTube  [music, youtube]
2009-08-28T00:00:00Z MUSIC OF NEW REFERENCE  [event]
2009-08-26T00:00:00Z TOKYO FLICKER  [google]
2009-08-22T00:00:00Z Personas | Metropath (ologies)  [internet, visualization]
2009-08-21T00:00:00Z 透明LEDディスプレイも可能な新技術、米大学が開発  [science, material]
2009-08-06T00:00:00Z ブライアン イーノ インタビュー  [interview]
2009-08-02T00:00:00Z ASLSP - John-Cage-Orgelprojekt Halberstadt  [music]
2009-07-29T00:00:00Z APMT WEEK  [event]
2009-07-15T01:29:53Z Cycling '74 || Max-for-Live: A Sneak Peak...  [software, maxmsp]
2009-07-14T11:42:13Z CWFP: Special Exhibit: Karl Blossfeldt, Urformen der Kunst  [nature]
2009-06-24T13:18:33Z 小さきものたちの神を撮る(動画)  [camera]
2009-06-23T12:12:39Z Picasso Drawing With Light - today and tomorrow  [light, photo]
2009-06-20T14:47:33Z "241543903"で画像検索したら...  [internet, google, photo]
2009-06-15T13:18:38Z ウィスパークラブ  [voice, sound]
2009-06-15T13:18:38Z Perpetuum Jazzile - Africa (live, HQ)  [sound]
2009-06-04T12:25:55Z Sandy Interfaces on Pixelsumo  [interface]
2009-05-31T13:15:38Z Dynamical Systems -- from Wolfram MathWorld  [math]
2009-05-24T14:35:25Z 産業用バーチャルリアリティ展2009 (ACOUSTIC FIELD NEWS)  [stereophony]
2009-05-19T13:07:38Z 米軍、「テレパシー」研究を本格化 | WIRED VISION  [science]
2009-05-18T15:05:19Z プロダクト・デザイナーの巨匠、ディーター・ラムス展がいよいよ東京へ  [product]
2009-05-18T13:45:01Z FluidSolver [as3 port of MSAFluid] | astatic notes  [flash, fluid ]
2009-05-18T13:10:01Z Wolfram|Alphaは検索エンジンじゃないよ  [internet]
2009-05-17T16:30:11Z Curtis Roads on the Birth of Granular, Composing in Microsound  [sound]
2009-05-17T13:15:30Z Make: Online : Chladni plate singing  [science]
2009-05-07T14:18:40Z TiltShift Generator - Art&Mobile  [photo]
2009-04-26T13:17:50Z 史上最高出力、高速点火実験用の超高強度レーザー  [science]
2009-04-26T13:15:48Z Technobahn 次世代戦闘機特集  [jet]
2009-04-25T12:36:37Z Visualizing Artikulation at Bad Assembly  [music]
2009-04-15T04:35:18Z xeno-canto :: bird sounds from the Americas  [sound, bird]
2009-04-02T07:45:58Z - definition of sonification  [audio, sonification]
2009-04-02T07:44:45Z Sonification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  [audio, sonification]
2009-04-02T07:39:22Z ChucK => Strongly-timed, On-the-fly Audio Programming...  [software, audio]
2009-03-31T06:34:32Z iphone-classes  [library, iphone]
2009-03-29T11:39:39Z Audible Realities - iPhone Art Project » PhonoCam  [software, iphone]
2009-03-29T11:35:20Z Faber Acoustical iPhone Apps  [software, iphone]
2009-03-29T10:01:11Z 3D Wi-Fi Position Tracker for iPhone  [software, iphone, stereophony]
2009-03-29T04:53:48Z nodal  [software, midi]
2009-03-24T08:49:34Z Roll Your Own Multitouch Screens, Tables : ...  [maxmsp, interface]
2009-03-23T06:29:13Z Retro Thing: Music From Sand  [music, recording]
2009-03-20T00:08:45Z Japan: The work of art in the age of digital reproduction  [business]
2009-03-16T09:07:12Z Bicycle Built for Two Thousand  [sound]
2009-03-12T21:01:48Z VSTプラグインをハードウェアシンセとして使えるV-MACHINE  [vst]
2009-03-06T18:15:09Z vocable rhythms  [software]
2009-03-06T18:29:34Z pixelbreaker : PolarClock  [screensaver, software, iphone]
2009-03-06T18:09:45Z 昼夜逆転生活は身体に悪いという研究結果  [science]
2009-02-05T01:39:38Z Recompute: a closer look at the sustainable, cardboard PC  [computer]
2009-02-05T01:39:38Z 世界的な科学者たちがGoogleやNASAと組んで...  [education, google]
2009-02-05T01:31:45Z MAKE: Blog: Speech synthesis in the year 1939  [samples]
2009-02-03T11:26:38Z P22 Music Text Composition Generator  [software, midi]
2009-01-17T09:47:12Z Cycling '74 || Tools for Creating Devices in Live  [software, interface]
2008-12-25T08:27:33Z MusicBox: Mapping and visualizing music collections  [software, interface]
2008-12-13T08:24:13Z X-Spat boX:マルチチャンネル立体音響DSP拡張ボックス  [stereophony, dsp]
2008-12-09T06:04:55Z Warner、“360”契約をアーティストに義務化  [music, business]
2008-12-07T01:50:07Z eric archer . net » Sound Cameras  [sound, electronics]
2008-11-28T00:16:45Z 「貧乏ゆすり」は「クリエイティブビート」だ - ITmedia News  [gadget]
2008-11-22T06:27:17Z Earthworks PM40 :: ピアノ専用マイクロフォン  [microphone]
2008-11-04T02:52:39Z - SonicLife  [iphone, software]
2008-11-01T09:08:23Z elastic~ the ultimate pitch-shifting time-stretching  [maxmsp, timestretching]
2008-10-11T16:31:03Z NERC - Beyond the abyss  [fish]
2008-10-11T16:26:35Z Godfather of Ambient Creates iPhone App  [iphone, software]
2008-10-09T08:01:20Z Welcome - SoundCloud  [sharing]
2008-08-30T05:35:13Z LiTraCon™  [material]
2008-08-24T19:39:37Z Waterdrop by Roca  [water, design]
2008-08-01T19:20:03Z William Pye - Charybdis  [water, sculpture]
2008-07-30T15:59:11Z THE BIGGEST HORN SUB OF THE WORLD  [subwoofer]
2008-07-13T22:12:28Z BMW Kinetic Sculpture  [design, glass]
2008-07-13T20:59:55Z Shattering the Strongest Glass | Popular Science  [science, sculpture]
2008-06-26T09:03:38Z BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Oldest' computer music unveiled  [music, sound]
2008-06-14T13:43:55Z nano|KORG INC.  [midi, gadget]
2008-06-11T21:49:07Z Animate Projects - Magnetic Movie  [science, magnetic]
2008-04-30T13:59:39Z Johnny Chung Lee - Projects - Wii  [remote, interface]
2008-04-16T18:19:09Z Sony "Foam City"  [advertising]
2008-04-10T06:00:20Z Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research...  [streaming, sound]
2008-04-07T04:00:52Z Muxtape  [streaming, music]
2008-04-07T03:48:11Z :: Your Music, Film & Urban Culture  [software, music]
2008-04-04T00:45:24Z FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts  [design, font, typography]
2008-04-02T08:36:48Z Koolhaas Transforming House  [architecture, design]
2008-04-02T08:25:05Z Raytheon Blaster Can Smash Through Concrete  [science, missile]
2008-04-02T08:19:36Z Hypersonic Cruise Missile  [science, missile, hypersonic]
2008-03-31T16:17:19Z Sounds :: FirstSounds.ORG  [sound, samples]
2008-03-31T15:23:41Z GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery  [gui, interface, design]
2008-03-31T15:15:10Z Richard Box  [installation, light]
2008-03-31T15:10:03Z Phonofone Ii Ipod Speaker  [speaker]
2008-03-31T15:02:22Z SCR | DROPCLOCK  [design]
2008-03-31T15:00:33Z 4U  [photo, design]
2008-03-05T07:37:05Z Third Term Music - PukiWiki  [music, chaos, nonliner, software]
2008-02-26T06:23:36Z Future of Internet Search: Mobile version « petitinvention  [internet, mobile]
2008-02-25T16:50:05Z ARICA 音楽の内側から生まれた<<filmachine>>という新しい現実  [conversation]
2008-02-14T11:03:07Z Snapper by Audio Ease  [software]
2008-01-08T16:24:34Z SPring-8, Synchrotron Radiation  [science]
2007-11-14T04:46:17Z Songs of Insects  [sound, recording, samples]
2007-07-27T00:00:11Z  [binaural, sound, recording, stereophony]
2007-05-31T19:10:22Z Ubiquitous Media: Asian Transformations  [theory, lecture]
2007-05-29T15:10:28Z 空中に浮かび上がる3次元(3D)映像  [light, 3D]
2007-05-02T04:39:57Z Pillete: The smaller Bluetooth device » gearfuse  [earphones, headset]
2007-03-29T14:19:57Z Ableton Teams Up with Cycling ‘74 on "New Products"  [software]
2007-03-24T10:15:13Z Authentic  [speaker, interface]
2007-03-14T14:38:10Z Please WAIT before installing  [software, maintenance]
2007-03-07T19:15:27Z SuperFlex  [light]
2007-03-06T15:25:05Z DIY microphones  [microphone, recording]
2007-03-04T17:46:07Z Lilyがベータ・テスタ募集中  [software, internet]
2007-03-04T04:59:34Z NewMusicBox  [sound_art, sound_design]
2007-02-09T11:15:00Z PD bangbook  [pdf, software]
2007-02-08T17:07:26Z Apple - Thoughts on Music  [music, apple]
2007-02-03T06:07:09Z Mosquito Device  [speaker]
2007-01-18T14:21:44Z freesound  [samples, sound]
2006-11-02T10:22:38Z Panasonic : Personal Surround Technology  [stereophony]
2006-11-02T10:16:52Z MEYER : UPA-1P  [speaker]
2006-11-02T10:14:57Z MEYER : UPM-1P  [speaker]
2006-11-02T10:10:03Z API A2D Dual 312 Mic Preamps with Digital Output  [amp]
2006-11-02T10:04:04Z ER-4SかER-4Pか!?  [earphones]
2006-11-02T09:57:52Z SA-365DSN(全天候型) | SOLID ACOUSTICS  [speaker]
2006-07-13T23:14:43Z OS X Maintenance And Troubleshooting  [maintenance, osx]
2006-07-13T23:07:49Z sndchanger: Sound and text converter.  [software]
2006-07-13T17:01:36Z Dr.Utsunomia's file  [recording, theory]
2006-07-13T16:53:50Z Introduction to Chaos  [chaos, nonliner]
2006-07-13T16:51:59Z Chaos  [chaos, nonliner]
2006-06-11T18:40:45Z Honda Civic UK Design  [sound_design, advertising]
2006-06-11T07:31:07Z FPS  [speaker]
2006-06-11T07:30:55Z NXT Sound  [speaker]
2006-05-26T08:52:00Z Mac de Java Comm API - PukiWiki  [java]
2006-05-19T00:41:33Z IRCAM Development Blog - The WiSe Box Project  [interface, sensor]
2006-05-19T00:23:05Z 導電性フィルム  [material]
2006-05-19T00:20:50Z PICfun  [interface, pic]
2006-05-19T00:19:23Z Interface an SRF04  [interface, sensor]
2006-05-19T00:16:03Z レズリーキャビネットの秘密を究明する  [speaker]
2006-05-17T09:12:43Z The History of Sampling  [java, music]
2006-05-16T09:26:54Z Eminent Technology Model 17  [speaker, subwoofer]
2006-05-16T09:02:53Z Music Paper  [music, pdf]
2006-05-16T08:51:52Z Infiniti Interactive Mirrors  [interface]
2006-05-16T08:51:30Z Multi-Touch Interaction Research  [interface]
2006-05-15T23:03:14Z Button Maker :: Adam Kalsey  [webdesign]
2006-05-15T22:57:53Z ODEON Room Acoustics Programs  [software]
2006-05-15T22:56:11Z - Holophonics ホロフォニクス特集1  [stereophony]
2006-05-15T22:52:16Z Radia Pro-Line  [speaker]
2006-05-15T22:37:20Z ProgrammableWeb: Mashups and the Web as Platform  [web2.0]
2006-05-15T22:26:33Z ME Geithain | Startseite  [monitor, speaker]
2006-05-15T22:23:49Z  [web2.0]
2006-05-15T22:18:01Z MacIntel compatibility report - MacMusic Special Report  [software]
2006-05-15T22:07:55Z Etymotic Research, Inc. - ER-4 MicroPro Insert Earphones  [earphones]
2006-05-15T22:04:58Z SANKEN MICROPHONE CO.,LTD.  [microphone, recording]
2006-05-15T22:03:32Z Earthworks - Quiet Time Coherent Omni Microphones  [microphone, recording]

to news